Outsider's of Life's Feast
As part of a public program series in conjunction with UCCA’s ongoing exhibition “The New Normal: China, Art, and 2017,” artists Liang Ban and Bella Dong presented a special sound project titled Outsiders of Life’s Feast, in the Pavilion of Exception (Nave) from 2 to 4pm on 24 June 2017. A group of performance physically responded to the sound in their individual headphones, generating an improvisational choreographic sequence. The performance transformed the Pavilion into an engrossing sound stadium, where the wandering performers invited the audiences into an displaced and alternate world.
在展覽《例外狀態》中,藝術家梁半呈現了聲音裝置《一個沒有見過大海的詩人寫了一部關於大海的小說》,錄製了歐洲多地海灘的海浪聲。這些海灘均為2015年以來的歐洲難民危機中人們所登陸的海岸,諸如希臘科斯島海灘、意大利撒丁島海灘等,使觀眾於各段環繞在空中被放大、交織混雜在一起的聲音中體味抽離於歷史事件的海浪聲與此刻現實的相互碰撞。結合大型展覽《例外狀態:中國境況與藝術考察2017》,藝術家梁半與董魯圓(Bella Dong)於2017年6月24日14:00至16:00在例外館(UCCA甬道空間)共同策劃一場聲音項目—生活盛宴的局外人,邀請數名表演者頭戴耳機,遊走在例外館內,並根據耳機中的聲音進行即興演出;觀眾亦可隨機參與表演互動。在此,現場構成一個複雜、混亂的類似「大合唱」的聽音現場,而在聽音現場空間中行走的演員和觀眾如同局外人一般的所有行為和情態似乎構成某種「語義游離」的情境,一場脫離於當下現實生活的「盛宴」。

Liang Ban won the Jimei x Arles Nomination Award for his video, installation and photography artworks in 2016. Liang was nominated by art critic and curator, Hai Jie for the prestigious award.
Jimei x Arles International Photo Festival was jointly initiated in 2015 by the Founder of Three Shadows Photography Art Centre, RongRong, and the Director of Les Rencontres d’Arles, Sam Stourdzé, who serve as Co-directors of the festival.
Since its debut, the festival has established two awards: the Discovery Award and Nomination Award, both recognizing emerging contemporary artists. The prizes aim to provide outstanding career opportunities to its laureates both locally and on the global art scene. For more information, visit Jimei x Arles.

On the occasion of Landscape Browser at de Sarthe Gallery in Beijing, Liang Ban was in conversation with Bao Dong, a critically acclaimed independent Chinese curator for the “new generation” artists. Landscape Browser highlights Liang’s complex and celebratory representation of what a landscape means in a contemporary context. The thematic focus of the interview disentangles the relationship between the natural, the artificial and the manmade, and how exlores human beings have drastically redefined the concept of a ‘landscape’ throughout history.
“I am particularly interested in the stars on national flags. I tend to study and incorporate things that I find fascinating, and eventually it becomes a repetitive process, even though I don’t always know where to start. One day, I realized that I quite like presenting the stars just by themselves. National flags convey a unique symbol for each country. Stars are also symbolic as they are a part of nature. Flags contain a lot of information about human beings, a nation, or even as far as representing the symbol of a nation, it ultimately represents the entire planet. In this absence of all this information, we will all be living in an equal space. Let’s take for instance, the distance between Africa and the United States, Cuba and the United States. Through the process aforementioned, we can only convey our expressions through the image or our concepts.” - Liang Ban
在北京德薩特畫廊的《風景瀏覽器》中,梁半將與鮑棟對談,鮑棟為中國獨立策展人,為新一代藝術家策展。 《風景瀏覽器》聚焦梁在當代語境中,對於景觀的複雜性和節慶的代表性的意義。採訪的主題焦點在於拆解自然、人工和人造之間的關係,以及人類如何徹底地重新定義了歷史上的「風景」的概念。「我對國旗上星星特別感興趣,作品裡面有很多因為我感興趣所以鑽研它,然後它是一個過程。因為那個東西我放很久,但我不知道怎麼去做它。突然有一天可能就覺得這個其實就挺好的,只呈現星星,國旗上面的圖案是人為的東西, 星星是自然界的東西,國旗上包含有很多信息,包括人類的,國家的,或者說整個的一個國家的符號,那它其實也是代表了整個地球。把這種信息都隱藏掉,我們就好像都處在一個很平等的空間裡,比如說非洲的和美國包括古巴的跟美國,它是如此的接近。通過這種方式,圖像或者自己的概念、觀念表達吧。」— 梁半